Articles tagged with: google cloud


New snore detection applications

New snore detection applications
More SKUs targeted to specific user needs

Google ens ha seleccionat

Google ens ha seleccionat
Som una de les tretze Startup del 2015

Google Developers Startup Pack

Google Developers Startup Pack
$20.000 Förderung für Cloud Computing

Share culture with friends you still don't know

Share culture with friends you still don't know
The most rewarding way to enhance every single person's live

Google Developers Startup Pack

Google Developers Startup Pack
Recolzats amb $20.000 en Cloud Computing
[12  >>  

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Android to Android push notifications

Android to Android push notifications

New SnoreWare Android platform

New SnoreWare Android platform

Snorek running on SnoreWare

Snorek running on SnoreWare

Snore Partner: two modes for two user types

Snore Partner: two modes for two user types

New snore detection applications

New snore detection applications

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