
Dynamic FrontEnds using the Google Web Toolkit and Google Cloud Computing

The FrontEnd is based on the GWT (Google Web Toolkit), a Framework developed by Google to create dinamic Web applications. Web pages get updated without user intervention providing a very friendly experience for the user. SnoreWare uses GWT to display graphics with user data in almost Real Time (1 to 2 seconds). An exemple of Application developed using the same Ajax technolgoy is Google Maps.

SleepApp Frontend (Snorek Sleepwatcher)

FrontEnd showing results stored by a Mobile Application on the Mobile Backend

SleepApp Frontend (Snorek Sleepwatcher)
Mostra en temps real* les dades capturades per la App Android "SleepApp". El seu orígen va partir d'Snorek, igual que SleepApp, per això el nom inicial d'aquest FrontEnd va ser "Snorek Sleepwatcher".

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