Mobile Applications with Cloud Backends

Most mobile apps and games need a backend service for things that can't be done solely on-device, such as sharing and processing data from multiple users, or storing large files

  • Phase 1:<br/>Mockup and funcional Web

    Phase 1:
    Mockup and funcional Web

    A Content Management System will be ready to start creating content in about two to four weeks

  • Phase 2:<br/>Content Management

    Phase 2:
    Content Management

    We will start adding content and fine tune your site. Time to consider our mockup and do life adjustments to make your site easy, useful and an exceptional experience for your users.

  • Phase 3:<br/>Launch

    Phase 3:

    Still one phase to do fine tuning and make your site shine before we go life. We can come back latter and revisit it to adapt it to our future needs and experiences

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  • Available space for sponsors

Android Apps